Contest Details
How can I enter?
Leave a review on a Holman product you own. Once your review is approved and published you will be entered into the draw. One winner will be drawn every month from 15/07/2023 – 15/06/2024.
Please note—all photos submitted with your review will be published on the product pages of the Holman website. All content submitted will become the property of Holman Industries. For more information please see the product review terms and conditions when submitting your review and our privacy policy.
Do I need to leave a positive review?
We want to hear what you really think! Everything from positive, neutral and negative reviews will be entered into the monthly draw. We only ask that your reviews be a true reflection of your experience with the product.
Can I win more than once?
You can win a prize across different months. You can review a product in August and win, and review a product in December and win. There is only one winner a month.
How many times can I enter the monthly draw?
You can enter the monthly draw as many times as you want. We just ask that your review reflects your actual experience with the product you purchased. For each review that is approved and published on the website you’ll be (re)entered into that month’s draw.
How do I know if I win?
We’ll draw winners on the 15th o every month. On the day of the draw, we’ll send you an email to the email address provided when you submitted your review. Make sure you have access to this email to redeem your prize! We’ll also publish your first name, abbreviated last name and state of residence on this webpage along with the other winners on the 18th of the month.
How long will the contest run?
We will draw the winners from last month’s review entries on the 15th of each month. First draw 15/07/2023. Final draw 15/06/2024.